following 12 laws of faith can be found in Hebrews 11.
The Law of Existence - you must believe that God is. Also that He is
active with regard to you personally.
The Law of Just Providence - you must believe that He rewards those who
diligently seek Him.
The Law of the Invisible - you must be prepared to believe in things
beyond the experience of your senses, in things that have never happened before
in your world.
The Law of the Future Preparation - you must believe that God s working
for you and preparing things in advance for the people He loves who trust Him.
The Law of Endurance - you must be prepared to wait patiently until
God's time and purposes are fulfilled. Faith hangs in there.
The Law of Assured Conviction - the ability to see the mountain sized
problem as a mere acorn in God's hand. To acknowledge that you have the answer
with certainty.
The Law of Incomplete Knowledge - Abraham went out not knowing where he
was going.
The Law of Reliance on Rhema - Abraham believed God's personal rhema
word to him and it was counted to him as righteousness.
The Law of Heavenly Ambition - Faith is directed into God's purposes and
to God's ends and cannot function properly if focussed on the here and now.
Faith seeks the city that is to come.
The Law of Possibility - all things are possible with God -even raising
Isaac from the dead.
The Law of Renunciation - faith operates in renouncing all that is
not-faith and grasping God's purposes ONLY. Faith is uncontaminated by the
courts of Pharaoh and the ambitions of this world.
(12) The Law of Conquest - external in conquering Canaan, internal in resisting persecution and testifying to God. Faith does not submit to circumstances.